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Families are assessed by staff from a range of social care and social work backgrounds. Our staff also undergo extensive training to ensure we provide the best support for our service users. With over 30 in-house and external training courses, staff supervision, case management meetings, reflection time and Jamma Umoja team meetings. Jamma Umoja's staff are equipped with the skills and experience required to support all families who come to us.
We are proud that our staff reflect the diverse service user population we are working with. This enables us to ensure we are culturally aware and sensitive.
Below is a list of our most current training! This list is not exhaustive as we are constantly evolving and learning more.
Assessment and Direct work
Direct work with families
Parent Assess
The Solihull Approach
Trauma informed practice
Systemic family therapy
Signs of safety
Certificate in tackling and preventing domestic abuse
Safeguarding children advanced
​Contextual safeguarding
Best practice with children in care
Safeguarding children level 2
Child exploitation
County lines
Drug trafficking
Gangs and youth violence
Training for intervention
The Freedom Programme
The parenting toolkit
Understanding domestic violence & abuse​Supporting male victims of domestic abuse
Managing challenging behaviour
understanding attachment
Tavistock trauma services talking about non-recent child sexual abuse.
Attachment neurodevelopment psychopathology
​De-escalation intervention
Mental Health awareness
Understanding the impact of sexual violence and how to handle disclosure
Parent infant mental health
Triple P awareness
Team teach training
Training for staff
Emergency first aid
Fire warden​
​Modern day slavery
​Lone working
Paediatric first aid
Achieving best evidence
Court work and statement writing
Court skills
Mental health first aid
Bond Solon excellence in report writing
​Adminstering medication
Communication training
Responsive feeding
​Effective use of chronologies
​Resilience training
Information and governance
Food allergens
NVQ level 3
Higher training courses and courses for management
NVQ level 5
Social work degree
Social work PG Dip/Masters
​Level 5 leadership and management
​Managing mental health at work
HR training
Mediation for managers
Menopause in the work place
Right to work
Sexual harrassment in the workplace
Safer recruitment
Employment law
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